Finalized Project

For the concept, I am doing the following:

I am going to have a physical house, with a window that will basically be somehow attached to a screen. So when you look at the window, you are looking straight at the screen. The house is going to look like a dollhouse of some sorts and the user’s objective is to basically decorate/ furnish the house.

For my program, I am doing the following: 

There has to be some sort of environment, with objects like trees and animals and ponds. They all have to be there on the screen and each object would be connected to a specific pressure sensor. The pressure sensors will all have physical objects placed on them, when a physical object is removed from its place on its sensor, the correlating object on the screen will disappear. 

The three hardest aspects  and why I chose them: 

1- The coding/ programming aspect: I struggle with coding a lot and I think it’s what will take the longest amount of time out of most aspects of the project to tackle.

2-The screen aspect: I need to somehow perfect the screen into a window for my house. It’s going to be somewhat confusing and hard to figure out the parameters and how the box will be stable next to the box. 

3-The building aspect: Achieving balance and harmony across dimensions and materials.

Equipment needs: 

  • Wooden Box
  • Screen
  • Pressure sensors
  • Fabrics
  • Paint
  • Miniature furniture

Physical construction:

To be announced


To be announced